经典赞美诗歌第一辑Classic Worship Carols I — Tenor《小平心歌Ping Hymns—Chinese Version》

经典赞美诗歌第一辑Classic Worship Carols I — Tenor《小平心歌Ping Hymns—Chinese Version》

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🎶 歌曲链接和时间:
1|祢真伟大How Great Thou Art—https://youtu.be/p1U7TYhSNCc?si=60h7QH93WFaT9ehL | 00:00
2|祢信实广大Great is Thy Faithfulness—https://youtu.be/84jhYT7iVbc?si=51dgksk02jefy6sI | 05:12
3|主,我愿像你O to be like Thee!—https://youtu.be/cqYzVTIHSQw?si=f7Kt_biWnlPkUm8z | 08:51
4|祂看顾麻雀His Eye Is on the Sparrow—https://youtu.be/G3ZvtdxqlP0?si=7mZOXMG3Px1hjv7D | 11:36
5|信靠耶稣真是甜美’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus—https://youtu.be/J3S4Ul4ZU4k?si=FHL_JkfFOWaao1xK | 15:56
6|奇异恩典 (不再捆绑)Amazing grace(My chains are gone)—https://youtu.be/hPOP3adJbxA?si=0o6w7nI3R0XsjlXf | 19:20
7|我知谁掌管明天I Know Who Holds Tomorrow—https://youtu.be/EVTabTYYbxM?si=nknp4t5iOrkl6lOG | 23:54
8|耶稣恩友What a Friend we have in Jesus—https://youtu.be/6rOjthx-aYw?si=d8UbjucxRSNJeTEP | 29:01
9|数主恩惠Count your blessings—https://youtu.be/K6x4rY5FpuM?si=Xtg6BB6ZYSQbga4v | 33:10
10|没有难成的事Nothing Is Impossible—https://youtu.be/W2LuwA9V-sc?si=aQSJb2lblI04jxx2 | 36:22

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#祢真伟大 #祢信实广大 #主我愿像你 #祂看顾麻雀 #信靠耶稣真是甜美 #奇异恩典不再捆绑 #我知谁掌管明天 #耶稣恩友 #数主恩惠 #没有难成的事 #howgreatthouart #GreatisThyFaithfulness #OtobelikeThee! #HisEyeIsontheSparrow #TisSoSweettoTrustinJesus #AmazinggraceMychainsaregone #IKnowWhoHoldsTomorrow #WhataFriendwehaveinJesus #Countyourblessings #NothingIsImpossible
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