12/1/2024 HUCC Sunday Service
HUCC Sunday Service, December 1, 2024
Songs, lyrics and wording used during today’s church service include (in the order they appear):
1. Centering Music – “Good Christian friends, rejoice” – Words: German and Latin, 14th century, adapted by Martha Koenig Stone © 2022. Tune: German melody, 14th century, Harmony adapted from John Stainer, 1871.
2. Opening Hymn – “There’s a Voice in the Wilderness” – Text: J. Lewis Milligan, 1925; alt. Tune: Ascension, by H. Hugh Bancroft, 1938.
3. Sung Response – A Candle Shines” – Words and Music by Philip M. Hayden
4. Carol – “Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming” – Text: German, 15th century; transl. Theodore Baker, 1894, alt. Tune: Es ist ein Ros’, in Katholische Geistliche Kirchengesäng, Cologne, 1599, Harm. Michael Praetorius, 1609.
5. Anthem – “Shine, Advent Candle, Shine!” – by Jean Anne Shafferman
6. Carol – “Come, O Long-Expected Jesus” – Text: Charles Wesley, 1744, alt.; Tune: STUTTGART, Christian F. Witt, from Psalmodia Sacra, Gotha, 1715.
7. Carol – “Angels We Have Heard on High” – Text: Traditional French carol, 18th C.; tr. Crown of Jesus Music, 1862, alt. Tune: GLORIA, Traditional French melody, 18th C.; arr. Edward S. Barnes, 1937; desc. Richard E. Gerig, 1956
8. Carol – “Jesus, Jesus, O What a Wonderful Child” – Text: African-American traditional; alt., found in The New Century Hymnal, #136; v.2 Martha Koenig Stone ©1993. Tune: WONDERFUL CHILD, African-American traditional, arr. Jeffrey Radford 1992.
9. Carol – “Of the Parent’s Heart Begotten” – Text: Marcus Aurelius C. Prudentius, 4th C; Transl. The New Century Hymnal, 1993. Tune: DIVINUM MYSTERIUM, Adapt. from a medieval plainsong in Petri’s Piae Cantiones; Harm. C. Winfred Douglas 1940.
10. Prayer of Renewal – Adapted from “Advent/Christmas Liturgies, Year C, First Sunday of Advent,” from Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church: Advent/Christmas Liturgies, Year C
11. Solo – “Healer of Our Every Ill” – by Marty Haugen
12. Carol – “Once in Royal David’s City” – Text: Cecil F. Alexander, 1848: alt. Tune: IRBY, Henry J. Gauntlett, 1849. Harm: A.H. Mann, 1919
13. Offertory – “To a Wild Irish Rose” – by Edward MacDowell
14. Doxology for Advent – Text: David B. Bowman, in The Westminster Collection of Christian Prayers, ©1973 John Knox Press; Tune: from the Geneva Psalter (1551)
15. Prayer of Dedication – – Adapted from “Advent/Christmas Liturgies, Year C, First Sunday of Advent,” from Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church: Advent/Christmas Liturgies, Year C
16. Lord’s Prayer
17. Sending Hymn – “Watcher, Tell Us of the Night” Text: John Bowring, 1825; alt. Tune: ABERYSTWYTH, Joseph Parry, 1879
18. Postlude – “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” – by J.S. Bach
All music and/or lyrics reprinted in the Sunday bulletin and performed during live-streamed worship services are done with permission, OneLicense #A-605110
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