2023 English Christian Song | “Only the Creator Treats This Mankind Tenderly” | Choral Hymn

2023 English Christian Song | “Only the Creator Treats This Mankind Tenderly” | Choral Hymn

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2023 English Christian Song | “Only the Creator Treats This Mankind Tenderly” | Choral Hymn

For man’s sake the Creator rushes about,
silently gives of His life, every minute.
With no thought for Himself He has cherished mankind,
giving all that He has to the ones He created.
Only the Creator treats man tenderly
and holds for him unbreakable affection.
Only He can bestow mercy upon man
and cherish the whole of His creation.

He grants His mercy and tolerance freely,
so He’ll see man survive, gain the life He provides.
He does this so one day man will submit before Him,
see He feeds all of creation, nourishes man’s life.
Only the Creator treats man tenderly
and holds for him unbreakable affection.
Only He can bestow mercy upon man
and cherish the whole of His creation.

His heart is pulled this way and that by man’s actions.
He’s angered and grieved by man’s evil and corruption.
For man’s faith and repentance, He’s joyful, forgiving.
And all His thoughts revolve around human beings.
All He is and has is expressed for mankind,
and all His emotions are with man intertwined.
Only the Creator treats man tenderly
and holds for him unbreakable affection.
Only He can bestow mercy upon man
and cherish the whole of His creation,
and cherish the whole of His creation, creation.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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