9-28-2014 基督教會唱詩颂赞神Chinese Christian Gospel Songs and Music

9-28-2014 基督教會唱詩颂赞神Chinese Christian Gospel Songs and Music

Set My Spirit Free 讓我靈自由
讓 我靈自由, 使我能敬 拜祢讓 我靈自由 ,使我能讚 美祢
將 重擔卸下, 讓救 恩 流暢 讓 我靈自由 ,來敬拜祢。。。。。

Set my spirit free that I might worship Thee,
Set my spirit free that
I might praise Thy name.
Let all bondage go and let deliverance flow,Set my spirit free
to worship Thee.

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