Kasih – Bahasa Christian Praise and Worship Songs with Lyrics

Kasih cinta dari hati membawa kita bersama
Ucaplah tentang kasih ini supaya dunia dapat memdengar
Bahasa kasih Cinta, pelbagai bahasa
Diucapkan di sini
Pelbagai bangsa, pelbagai cinta
Semuanya dari hati
Tetapi kasih Tuhan yang terutama
Kasihnya sempurna
Kasih sejati dan ikhlas
Kasih yang tiada bandingannya
The love of God brings us together
Let’s spread this love so the world will know
Love is spoken of in many languages
It is being spoken of in this place
We may be of different races, with different forms of love
All spoken from the heart
But God’s love is the greatest
His love is perfect
His love is pure and sincere
None other can compare with His love

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