Rejoice in the Lord Always | Christian English Song | Sunday School Song | English Song | Jesus Song

Rejoice in the Lord Always | Christian English Song | Sunday School Song | English Song | Jesus Song

Rejoice in the Lord Always | Christian English Song | Sunday School Song | English Song | Jesus Song

#rejoiceinthelord #christianenglishsongs #jesussong

Brother Khursheed Amos
Video Shoot, Photography, Editor, And More There

ASHA NIKETAN CHURCH Was Started On 2nd February 1994 By The Grace Of Lord Jesus Christ

आशा निकेतन चर्च प्रभु यीशु मसीह जी के अनुग्रह से 2nd फ़रवरी 1994 को शुरू किया गया

We do not preach against any religion. We preach the Holy Bible.

हम किसी भी धर्म के विरुद्ध प्रचार नहीं करते। हम पवित्र बाइबल का प्रचार करते हैं ।

Our prayer is that in the name of Lord Jesus Christ people may have forgiveness of sins, spiritual peace, comfort from sorrows, troubles, difficulties, diseases and troubles, success, spiritual blessings and eternal life

हमारी प्रार्थना यह है कि लोग प्रभु यीशु मसीह जी के नाम से पापों की क्षमा पाएं, आत्मिक शांति पाएं, दुख- संकट, मुश्किल, बीमारियों- परेशानियों से आराम, सफलता, आत्मिक आशीष व अनंत जीवन पाए

No one can be healed by my devotion or my power. I can only pray. Healing, redemption and blessing to people is given by the Lord Jesus Christ

कोई भी व्यक्ति मेरी भक्ति या मेरी शक्ति से चंगाई नहीं पाता। मैं मात्र प्रार्थना ही कर सकता हूं । लोगों को चंगाई, छुटकारा व आशीष प्रभु यीशु मसीह ही देते हैं-

What About Church
The church is the body of Christ—all the people who accept Christ’s gift of salvation and follow Christ’s teachings. It is much more than a building. In the Bible, “church” never refers to a building. It always refers to people—the people who follow Jesus Christ.

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This video belongs to Asha Niketan Church and Editor, (Brother Khursheed Amos) if you download this video and put it on social media, all rights belong to Asha Niketan Church and Editor (Brother Khursheed Amos)

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Shahid Nagar,Delhi- NCR, Ghaziabad, Shahibabad Uttar Pradesh. 201005


Thank You
Rev. Harsa Kumar Chetty

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