Sermon 47: Jesus Son of the Blessed One (Mark 14:43-72) 8/11/24

Sermon 47: Jesus Son of the Blessed One (Mark 14:43-72) 8/11/24

Sermon 47: Jesus Son of the Blessed One (Mark 14:43-72) 8/11/24
Pastor Gideon Dignadice

I. Jesus the Son of God was betrayed (43-52)
A. By one of his disciples
B. By the people that he came to save
C. By the religious leaders

II. Jesus the Son of God was falsely accused (53-65)
A. False witnesses
B. False stories (their testimony did not agree)
C. False interpretation (destroy this temple…)

III.Jesus the Son of God was disowned (66-72)
A. What are you talking about? “I neither know nor understand what you mean.”
B. Who are you talking to? “But again, he denied it”
C. Are you sure you got the right person? “I do not know this man of whom you speak…”

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