TERE BIN | तेरे बिन I Jayanti Anand | New Hindi Christian Song I Filadelfia Music

TERE BIN | तेरे बिन I Jayanti Anand | New Hindi Christian Song I Filadelfia Music

TERE BIN | तेरे बिन I Jayanti Anand | New Hindi Christian Song I Filadelfia Music

Since 2002 sister Jayanti Anand has been singing regularly as a member of Filadelfia Worship team in various spiritual meetings including the most desired Navapur Convention. The Lord has blessed her with a worshiper’s heart and she exudes the joy of the Lord. Presenting not just another song but her testimony in song.

तेरे बिन मैं जाऊं कहाँ
मेरे यीशु, मेरे यीशु
तेरे बिन मैं जीऊं कैसे
मेरे यीशु, मेरे यीशु

जब मैं खोया था
तूने आकर ढूंढ लिया
जब मैं अकेला था
तूने मुझको सहारा दिया
तेरे पवित्र आत्मा ने घेरे रखा
अपनी सामर्थ से मुझको भरता रहा

जब में अंधेरों में था
तेरे वचन की ज्योति मिली
जब मैं बंधन में था
तेरे लहू से मुक्ति मिली
मेरे टूटे हुए दिल में तूने प्रभु
जीवन की नदियाँ बहा दिया

जब तूने दिल को छुआ
तेरे होने का एहसास हुआ
जब तूने मुझको चुना
मुझे जीने का मकसद मिला
तेरी इच्छा को पूरी करने प्रभु
तूने मुझको योग्य बना दिया

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YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/c/FiladelfiaMusic
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/Filadelfia.Church.udr
Email | filadelfiamusic.udr@gmail.com

Lyrics: Jayanti Anand
Vocals: Jayanti Anand
Music, Mixing and Mastering: Shalom Naik
Video Shoot: Ashish Alex, Jinu Kurian
Video Editing: Dilesh Ahuja
Sound Engineer: Vinod Vasave
Audio Recorded at Eternity Studios, Udaipur
Project Coordinator: Nilkanth Digal

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#HindiChristianSong #FiladelfiaMusic #HindiWorshipSong #Newchristiansong #terebin #jayantianand #MasihiGeet #HindiChristainSong2021

Filadelfia Music exists to help you worship God in Spirit and in truth. An arm of the Filadelfia Fellowship Church of India, Filadelfia Music believes that songs help you to worship but worship is more than songs or music, it is a 24/7 lifestyle and so is not to be limited to any space or stage. Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31) and that becomes your worship. So do everything in order to bring glory only to Jesus and as you do this the sound of heaven will resound in your homes and your streets. We produce hindi gospel music, hindi Christian worship songs for the glory of God.

Copyright © Filadelfia Music 2021 | All Rights Reserved | Any unauthorized broadcasting, public performance, copying or rerecording of this music or video without prior written permission from Filadelfia Music will constitute an infringement of copyright.
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