Why Have You Chosen Me | Worship Songs | Minus one

Why Have You Chosen Me | Worship Songs | Minus one

Hello! I have a new video that Im gonna upload today and I hope you enjoy listening this Worship song with your family and Everyone all around in this world, many of them has missed their job then many of them has been infected in the covid-19, and some are committing suicide because of the situation in this world I guess and We have to pray for them, just pray in God, worship him and don’t lose hope! So today Im gonna upload this video for everyone😊❤

Title: Why Have You Chosen Me
Artist: The Asidors

✅Don’t forget to like, share this video and subscribe for more Worship songs.

✅I do not own this song. No copyright infringement intended.

✅If you have any songs you want to request, please just comment down below so that I can make a lyric video for it.

For more Worship songs, click the links below: 👇👇
•Everywhere I Go



God Bless..😇🙏🏻
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